Caixa de Surpresas

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Sad times

I don't know what's happening... Everyone is sad and melancholy... And the worst is that I'm starting feeling the same! That's one of the reasons why I didn't post these last days, I was sad, upset, angry and depressed.
In the blogs I usually read I know about the death of Beth's husband, of Céline's sister, I read about Helena and Sandra's anguish...
I don't know these people personnally, even so I feel a little of their pain and anguish and I feel helpless because I can't do nothing unless being solidary.


  • At 7:42 PM, Blogger maria said…

    I hope better times will come for you and that spring will bring happiness.

    I have written you a letter and I sent you an email asking for your address since I couldn't find it. But today I found your address so you don't have to answer to my email :-) I will send you the letter within short!



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