But here I am again!
8 To show you some more key-rings...

8 Another postcard from PostCrossing. This time from Denise, from Ocala, in the State of Florida, U.S.A.!
8 To tell that I've received my 2nd swap from the Project Escrever, trocar, partilhar e sonhar! (To write, swap, share and dream) that Sandra set up. Thanks Secret Friend! I already know what I'm going to do with that little plate: to put some pot-pourri and the candle... My living room will be scenting soooo gooood!...
8 Because of some questions in the comments (in the Portuguese version) about the magazines that I bought:
I promise to Sandra from the blog MadeByMe (I hope she will post regularly, bacause I liked her blog a lot) that when I'll have some spare time (Now I'm a little busy with X-mas shopwindows...) I will post a lengthy and thorough post about the zillions magazines about craft that I buy... You'll be sick of it!
And this will be good, that way I'll organize all the magazines from the previous months that are all scattered around the house ...
Susete asked me were I bought PaperWorks. I bought it here in Viseu. But they have a site and you can subscribe it.
I just want to add here, (I hope she doesn't mind!... ) that I love Susete's scrapbooking pages!